Monday 7 April 2014

Welcome, Primate Friends!

We're really glad you dropped by.

If you're looking for a blog about the adventures of two monkeys eating their way across Melbourne, IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! That is exactly what this blog is! We give you an A+ for to-the-point web browsing.

At Two Fat Monkeys, we'll be writing about all the places we eat. Monkey 1 and Monkey 2 live in Melbourne and will update you on their mission to find best primate chow in the city.  Once in a while, they both roam the jungles of the world and you can bet your little paws that we'll let you know what we're eating.

If you were looking for pictures of overweight monkeys, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. 

Except this once. We're accomodating after all.
